For most of us, cardio can get SUPER BORING!
Over the years we have made many SPICEY cardio programs to keep sessions rocking.
We have used these programs ourselves to take the stage in many physique shows.
We have also used these programs with many of our transformation programs and individual clients.
You guys get these programs now for $10! That is $1 a PROGRAM!
No you will not be just going out for a 5k run! Barf!
What can you expect with our 10 Favorite Cardio Programs
- Mixed Modal = equipment, bodyweight, cardio machine, all in one
- MAP = Max Aerobic Power
- ESD = Energy System Development: there is more to cardio than just running
- MISS, LISS, and HIIT combinations that get the creativity high and the cardio over fast!
This ain't your momma's cardio!
Equipment Needed:
Cardio machine: Treadmill, Rower, Bike, Elliptical, Stepper all work
Skipping Rope (if you hate skipping we put in substitutions)
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