I got a question from one of our Sculpted 365 Subscribers asking:
"Coach what supplements are you taking and what should I taking as I have just started out?".
Awesome question and thank you for it (sent you a private message with some individualized help).
I will write this blog post to give a helping hand to those who read this blog on the side and need some help as well.
Step 1: Asses where you are now
If your diet is low quality and mostly processed that means you are not getting the proper amounts of vitamins and minerals to improve your life.
Acknowledge where you are now, make some notes and track. Move to step 2.
Step 2: After making notes, tracking and acknowledging where you are, what do you do now?
**What not to do! Do not just go out and purchase supplements and think they will fix you, that will mostly cause more stress trying to assimilate and digest all those at one time!
- Start to create new healthy habits slowly by improving your individual starting point through nutrition. That could be easily done by taking away a processed food and placing in a nutrient dense food. Again start small.
- Begin to move! Walking is a great start.
Why do you need to supplement?
Remember, get your eating and healthy habits in order first, you will start to feel better!
-Physical Stress:
Weight training, exercising, active physical job, playing sports, all need more food, more vitamins and minerals to perform and help you recover.
-Mental Stress:
if you have a lot of mental stress in your day, you need to supplement as you need help to recover and manage the stress! Sometimes food simply is not enough.
-Digestive Stress:
You need to get your nutrition in order because the food you are eating is causing more stress to your body that is trying to pull out vitamins while recovering from the nasty digestive issues you are going through. That poor digestion is more stress!
*You will begin to feel way better by executing Step 1 and Step 2 first.
Creating healthy supportive habits and getting your vitamins from nutrient dense foods will make a huge difference! With that you will have more energy and want to move more! Enter in supplementing to help you out even more!
What we normally see when people start with us: Low food quality High stress Low to no quality sleep Little to no exercise. Or the extreme cardio people. Tons of stimulants Joint pain Brain Fog Poor eating habits and poor food choices Puffy and inflamed *Normally they are not taking any supplements at all
What we get when people follow the plan with us:
Improved sleep
Improved digestion
No brain fog
Improved joint pain
Waking up with vitality
Tons of energy
Dropping inches all over their body, getting tight!
Where should you start - Clean up the food. Start eating some healthy balanced meals with protein, veggies, fruits and mother earth starches, with some great healthy fats. - create new healthy habits, breaking the old low-quality habits - start doing some basic movement daily like walking and full body beginner workouts - start taking Vit D3, Multi Vit and Magnesium Glycinate to start out. - add in the other supplements when you can be consistent with all your healthy habits (eating and moving)
This is what I take daily:
*NOTE: This is for me and only me! I am not telling any of you readers out there to take what I am currently taking. If you need help, you must seek out help and get what is going to be a solid starting point for you!

Multi Vitamin: Meal 1 x 2 pills, Meal 4 x 1 pill *Covering my bases. A multi vit is a supplement that helps top up your daily requirements, especially if you weight train and have lots of stress in your day.

Vit C with Bioflavonoids: Meal 1 x 2000mg, Meal 5 x 2000mg (1000mg is a pill) Immunity, recovery. Bioflavonoids are the digestive aid helping to enhance the action of Vit C

Methyl B12: Meal 1 x 5g, Meal 4 x 5g (5g is 1 pill) B12 is important for the brain and nerves, and for the production of red blood cells. Improve energy production.

Vit D3 Liquid: Meal 10 drops (10,000iu, 1000iu is a drop)
A fat soluble Vitamin thus, you must take this with a meal that has fat in it! Like egg yolks.
promoting healthy bones and teeth
supporting immune, brain, and nervous system health
regulating insulin levels
diabetes management
cardiovascular health

Advanced Magnesium Complex: Meal 2 x 1 pill (benefits of magnesium and the many types are HUGE!) Mag Malate Mag aspartate Mag ascorbate Mag glycinate Battle chronic fatigue & depression, increase low levels of blood mag, improve asthma, reduce migraines, make you poop, contract muscles and so much more!!

Omega’s: Meal 1 x 1 pill, Meal 4 x 2 pills (1000mg is a pill, that equals 1 gram of fat)
help build and maintain a healthy body. They're key to the structure of every cell wall you have. They're also an energy source and help keep your heart, lungs, blood vessels, and immune system working the way they should.

Mag Glycinate: 60min before bed 200mg (improve sleep and relaxation)
Need Help? We are here to help! sculptedbybrandt@gmail.com 10min FREE consultation to go over plans and how we can help you!