What I want to remind you all that I am basing my blog posts to help those with physique transformations with my 20 plus years of coaching clients and my personal transformation successes and failures. Yes failures! I am a firm believer that you must fail at times to learn how to succeed.
Please, have a look at the photo attached to the blog post, where do you sit within this picture right now on your transformation journey? - Are you one who hits the gym 6-7 days per week to cover up your nutritional downfalls - Are you a program hopper? Never staying on one program for longer that 1-2 weeks before hopping to another?
- Are you a cardio bunny? Thinking more cardio is your answer to a physique transformation and masking the binge eating at night? - Do you have a workout program, yet change the program for only the exercises you like? Never really executing the workout plan to it's design. - Is nutrition like the Yeti, still waiting to be found?
All of the above are what we all see with the people working out in gyms across the world. We all see a bunch of people just going to the gym and remaining the same. Do not get me wrong, it might have taken most of these people some serious courage to get to the gym, but I am not talking about those. I am talking about those who have been going for years and the simply look the same if not worse! Those that have been going for years might see some small results in confidence, cardio gains, some tightness in their muscles, skill development, but not enough for an actual physique transformation. Why? HOMEWORK: I want you to all write down what you do in the day to progress your physique development! Here are a Guide of Topics to write about: 1a. Actual Gym Workouts per week (be honest, are you actually training or just going to the gym with zero plan) 1b. Are you actually tracking your training 2a. Cardio sessions per week (be honest, do you have a plan for the cardio, or are you just doing cardio because of poor nutrition and a lack of training knowledge) 2b. Are you actually tracking / performing your cardio for a purpose 3. Nutrition - Tracking daily calories: days per week - Tracking macros on an app: days per week - Tracking with pen and paper : days per week (oh god) - No nutritional tracking at all, just trying to pick some healthy foods here and there 4. You track body measurements 5. You track and base all your efforts on your body weight Here is an Example Answer sheet of those that Remain the same: 1a. Just go to the gym when I can 0-3 days per week 1b. Don't track weights, just go and pretty much do the same stuff. I can tell you the body parts though and some exercises. 2a. I go about 5 x per week. I do some HIIT classes as well. 2b. no plan, just some HIIT or just watch TV for 50min hanging onto the treadmill handrails 3. I start my day really well, but the night time I just fall off. Then the weekend hits and then I am a ride off. I always start again on Monday 4. No tracking of measurements. I just use my pant sizes now and what I was in high school 5. I weight myself all the time. I weigh right after I do cardio or a workout to see if it worked. There are so many scenarios that equate to NO results! SO change those no results to RESULT based answers! Again I am an honest coach! I am a man that has been there done that! I have been the lowest of lows, the highest of highs. Fat to fit to fat and back to the drawing board! Why do we see this so much in people? IMO we all want the easy fix. The pill, the magical plan, the fancy diet, abs in 60sec, the easy way out....when these are ALL CRAP and have a means to a FAST END! Unsustainable! What needs to happen is the creation of NEW Sustainable HABITS! For most people they have been doing the same habits for years! Those habits are ingrained in their lives and brains! So much so that people can become protective of their poor habits!
What really makes my heart ache is when I hear people making fun of their themselves with the weight they have gained, when deep down I know this bothers them (it bothered me). This teasing of themselves has now manifested itself as a new habit creation, in protection of the extra weight gain! Moving forward, there is only room for MORE weight gain because of this cover up, buffer habit! What hurts even more are those who are trying super hard to get in shape, yet Trump all their hard work by stepping on the scale. No pat on the back for all the new habit execution and sticking to the plan! So sad! When this happens, these people need to remember these changes have only been in place for maybe a month or 6 months. When it was 10-30 years of executing the other poor habits religiously! Give it time people! This is for life!
To make change, you must BE the Change! Not for a day! Not for a week! Not for a morning! But for LIFE! So what can you do that can Improve your Habits to be progressive and make change ongoing as you transform? This might be hard to swallow for some, but you cannot expect results if you are inconsistent with your workouts, your cardio, your nutrition! You simply will not see results, that is a YOYO plan to the max! Remember CONSISTENCY Always WINS! Consistency breads NEW habits! Good or bad!!!!
Yes making & breaking habits can be hard, but if you really focus your mind and go all in, you can create a plan with new habits that will work for you!
This will take as much work as you want to put in, just remember what you put in is what you will get out, so do not expect to have abs if your nutrition is inconsistent. Do not expect to drop 50lbs if you skip workouts, break your habits and have poor nutritional awareness.
We are here to help!