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Writer's pictureChad Brandt

The Pyramid of Sculpt: How to Start Building the New You

The Pyramid of Sculpt: How to Build the New You

What do you think comes first when a person wants to being their physique transformation journey? Is it a proper training program? Is it a bunch of cardio? Is it an old workout & nutrition program you did years ago? Is it some fancy new diet that you got out of a magazine? Is it a bunch of new state of the are fat burners and supplements?

Normally it is a mash up of lots of cardio and maybe a weight training workout you used years ago. Then the person will dust off and break out the old whey protein they had in the pantry. Additionally they might slam some fat burning pills from the last time they tried to get in shape. Finishing by starting their day with a so called “yogurt and granola” healthy breakfast. Sound familiar? This is a sure fire way to fail…..again!

How do we succeed? Take a look at the Pyramid of Sculpt. Look at the foundational base of the pyramid. This foundation must be solid in order to keep the pyramid standing and working long term! Thus, your Lifestyle factors lead into your successes in building the New You! Lifestyle habits and changes must be looked at first. Where can you start that will bring forth success in the first 4 weeks?

We Start at the Foundation = Lifestyle Let’s look at a made-up client example: Client: Sedentary, no cardio, no activity, desk job. Wake up, eat, drive to work, sit all day, drive home, watch TV, more eating. Zero clue how much they eat. They mostly eat food from a package, box, wrapper and heat in microwave. Water intake is also unknown.

So, if this person decided to just start going to the gym, smashing some cardio, weight training, and then trying a new diet plan, how long do you think they would last? Not long right!

What are the Lifestyle Factors that will get you started successfully on your fitness journey. Step 1: Assess your Lifestyle - Where in your life right now needs work to add in some positive changes? Write down a typical day. Look hard at your typical day’s assessment and make notes on where you can create small changes to improve your lifestyle. *In the above, the client is on the extreme side of sedentary, so adding in some movement would help build their Lifestyle Foundation. Step 2: Make small changes to these Lifestyle factors to get you started. Get Specific and make these your New Lifestyle Starting Goals! - Activity = can you be active on 1-2 planned days per week? Plan something fun. Do something you possible used to do. This is Planned and is a must for you to do in order to build your new Lifestyle to the New You! - Cardio = start a 10min per day walking / cardio program. *Again, we are making small changes to build our New Lifestyle Foundation. **Every time you succeed in nailing your goals for the day, mark this down and give yourself some props and a pat on the back, be your own motivation!!!! Step 3: Find the Hardest and Low points in your day. What is the hardest part of your day? Where in this day do you eat the most or feel the most down? - This is a fantastic time to turn a negative into a positive with some movement, good music and future manifestation of goals. *If you are sitting, watching TV, thinking negative thoughts, then going for a walk, listening to some good music or motivational pod cast can be a HUGE help! We want to keep challenging that old negative self who creeps in trying to put us down. This is one of the best ways to build your Lifestyle foundation!

**Notice that I did not even address Macros aka nutrition! What I have seen in myself and with people I personally coach, is the addition of these small changes to their lifestyle via movement, cardio and activity, hold a synergistic bleeding effect into nutrition. One simply will start to make better choices due to the successes they are achieving and feeling. When this occurs, we start building the Macro block of the pyramid as they will be ready. Pretty cool when this happens! You will feel that kick in and away you go!!!

Remember ladies and gents, I make my posts based on my experience! I have been at the lowest of the lows and had to rebuild my lifestyle foundation many times over. I know firsthand about depression and how easy it is to give into your negative self. I also know firsthand how to learn from mistakes and challenge my negative self, building a stronger Lifestyle foundation! Understand that if your Lifestyle does not support your physique & fitness goals, there is now way in hell you can attain them!

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