Do you have a great start to your day then all of the sudden a negative situation throws you off for the rest of your day? Do these situations throw you off so bad that your positive goals get smashed by soon to follow negative choices?
I want to share something with you that has helped me over the years, but first some situations that can cause this downward shift from positive to negative.
Here are 3 Examples:
1. Nasty Coworker:
You are working out consistently and your nutrition is the best it has ever been, you are proud of yourself and seeing results! A coworker comes up to you, tells you that you are looking good, then starts asking questions about your workout and diet. You, being in a great head space decide to help, telling them what you have been doing. The coworker then starts to belittle your workout plan and then begins to bash what you are eating.
2. Just Not Your Day: You had an extremely hard day, not the norm for sure. You still have to get to the gym but are falling asleep and thinking about just turfing the workout or slamming a pre workout.
3. You Suck at a Specific Skill: Lets say you are learning a specific skill, something like Double Under's where you spin the rope two times under your feet while jumping once. Lets say you just suck at them. First you laugh at yourself as you trip over the rope over and over again. Then you get super frustrated as they look easy to do, but you cannot do them. Finally quitting because you are so mad, never to practice again because why would practice help right! So now every time Double unders come up in a workout, you get all negative because you do not have that skill, throwing off the entire workout because you do not have the patience to learn a new skill.
Three totally different situations here, and all can have huge negative outcomes if you choose poorly.
Enter the Catches!
When you feel a negative situation come on, teach yourself to Catch it before it sinks in and throws you into a negative head space. You have the option to throw that negative situation any place you like, but first you must be aware and ready to catch.
Example 1, Nasty Coworker.
We all have these coworkers who just love to trump all your efforts to help make their poor efforts have company. In this situation where would the Catch come in?
For myself personally I would Catch this and reverse it on them before I answer their questions. I would ask them what are they doing for workouts and nutrition. They now have to explain they either do nothing at all, or they do CrossFit and everything they do is the best in the world so you cannot win here. SO just tell them, "good for you, keep rocking that" "super cool", then walk away! My point, Catch the situation BEFORE it can hurt you or throw you off. Do not invite a negative situation and challenge it head on to waist your valuable energy, there is no reason because you are kicking ass and it is working for you.
Example 2, Just Not Your Day: We have all been here, crappy long day with toxic work people, now you still have to workout! If you are having one of these days, you must Catch this situation before it wrecks your workout. The Catch: as soon as the stress starts to bog you down and you know you will bonk in the afternoon, Catch it before it can happen. Possible Catch Fixes: Add more food, more water, more healthy fats as the added stress from the day is stealing your training energy. Do your best to get away for a walk and clear your head. Get away from those toxic people the best you can. If possible get a quick nap in before training. The last fix is to make a decision to not train that day as the workout would be lackluster and make you more negative, switch it up for either a rest day or a cardio day. Choose to have the best outcome here and Catch the situation before it can wreck you.
Example 3: You Suck at a Specific Skill: Hey the word "Training" means to train skills, improve via training. We see so many adults try something once and get so frustrated because the do not have that skill, then complain because they do not have it. They never practice that skill to improve it, only if it comes up in a workout. What is the Catch here? If you suck at a skill, "Embrace the Suck"! The whole part of training is to improve in all areas, if you suck at something, suck it up and try hard to improve. I once sucked BAD at Double Unders. I practiced daily for months until one day I just got them, my training and practice paid off. I embraced how bad I sucked at Double Unders and encouraged myself to enjoy seeing the small progress via training. This is why I love to train, I love to improve!
In closing, you have control of your situations and the ability to Catch the negative and turn it into the best possible situation you can at that moment in time. I invite you to use this method of "The Catch". Catch is the word I use to help me with negative situations, for you maybe another word will work better than Catch, so choose whatever word that will help you here.