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If you have lost weight on Keto, Paleo, Low carb, Low Fat, or the cabbage soup diet, and gained the weight did not work and was not sustainable!
"Coach Chad Brandt"

Teamwork based
Fully coached

The goal of Nutrition Prescription is breaking down the old you, the myths, the binge eating, the joint pain, weight gain, low energy, brain fog and inflammation. 

Time to invest in yourself and start laying the foundation towards the new you! 

There is so much more to nutrition than a diet! 

Let us teach you what the fitness industry likes to hide from you!

Get a fully detailed plan designed for the exact spot you are in right now!

It ALL starts with a FREE Nutrition Assessment

Phase 1 Portion Macros (2).png

The Programs

Are you busy, new to macros, need a plan that is laid out, but super simple to use and stay on track with. Phase 1 Portion Macro program is for you! 

I do all the calculations
I Create your meal prescriptions

You choose the foods you love and follow the Meal Prescription. 

Nutrition Tracking app
Everything is entered into our Nutrition Tracking app for 3 reasons.
1. To see how much you currently are eating

2. Accountability to yourself and coach
3. Consistency is vital information for your coach to nail your plan

What is a Meal Prescription?
- P+V+C+F
Protein + Veggie +Carb Source + Fat
*Carb sources will be prescribed based on your goals and starting point. 

*Each P C F are called macros and I create portion amounts based on how many you need in a day. 

Full check in day / Coaches call

Food PDF Sheets to help choose Protein, Carbs and Fats.

Recipe Books and Bonus Ebooks!

Phase 2 Flexible macros is our next level up and where we get creative. 

Phase 1 portion control teaches you macros as we progress over 120 days.  

I will calculate your individual calories and break these down into what is called you "macros". 

All calculations are based on your goals, activity level and current condition. 

Nutrition Tracking app
Using our Nutrition tracking app you will be able to create Go2 Meals making it easy to choose these and prep your day more efficiently. 

You get to choose the foods you love to eat along with foods that will support your goals. 

Full check in day / Coaches call

Food PDF Sheets to help choose Protein, Carbs and Fats 

Want a plan that you can stick to for life! 
This is it! 

Macros Made Simple - Guide.pdf.png


Our Clients Results Speak for Themselves!

Gourmet Burgers

Your Program

You have to enjoy your program

Your nutrition does NOT have food restrictions

Your program must have flexibility 

Your program must coach lifestyle building
Your program is progressive by design
Your program must be attainable 
You must look forward to tackling each day

to stack WINS!

Weight loss is all about the above and 

creating a lifestyle that will support 

long lasting weight loss!

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